Wonder What Has Become of Uttley?

Oh hai Dear Reader.

I’ve been away from WordPress for some time.

Why? Well, I suppose it is because I am something of a man of extremes.

I tend to throw myself into a given activity whole-hog, which is to say to the exclusion of all else. This is great when it comes to getting a book written or some other project completed, and not so great when it comes to keeping multiple balls in the air.

So yeah, I dropped the blogging ball back at the beginning of December. What did I do with my time instead? Oh, for about a month I binged on the Mental Illness Support Chatroom where I am a moderator. Then I became immersed in this amazing online game.

Am I back to blogging now then? Yes and no. I very much doubt I’ll be generating a post per hour for days at a time in a flurried blur, as I managed to do for a while late last year, haha. But it is my aim henceforth to try being a little less extremely one-track-minded, and to divide my time among a few of the activities available to me, the blog included.

That said, I should like to direct attention, if I may, to two pretty amusing interviews of yours truly which were posted in a couple of really truly neat-o web-type places while I was away.

Please do me the honor of checking out

Interview with Eugene Uttley at aurorawatcherak




More soon from

Yr hmbl srvnt,



    • Yeah I dropped out rather abruptly didn’t I? But know what it was? I had built up such a hankering while blogging for responses… and then one day I went into the support chat where I’m a mod, and bam: responses, responses… so I spent a lot of my time there for a while instead of elsewhere online, like here.

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