first to-do list in a while

To-do list (lifted from PinkForDays):

  1. Groceries. I’m down to a few pickled okra and some tortillas and mustard.

  2. Laundry. I’ve got shirts piled twenty high in drifts in my bedroom.

  3. Read inspiring blogposts and incensed anti-Trump tweets.

  4. Change my bedsheets and Febreeze bomb the whole apt. Vacuum the floor and mop kitchen and bathroom. Clean the freaking windows. Get curtains. And plants.

  5. Secure feline domestic companion.

  6. Vacuum and de-cobweb the living room.

  7. Clean the kitchen and do the damned dishes for once.

  8. Get my schedule and to-do lists ready for next week. Got appts w/ lawyer and caseworker this week.

  9. Watch some Netflix.

  10. Put away all the laundry that I was able to dry in the last few days!



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