Tune Up Success Utt Redux – and – imFORZA


If today were the last day of my life, would I do what I’m
about to do today?

What, this? The life examined is more worth living, sort of thing?

What negative routines have sneaked into my life?
Time wasting activities
1. ………………smoking……………………………..
2. ………………poking at the interwebs……………………………
3. ………………drive-thru and delivery food……………………………

Productive activities
1. representing ppl w/ Sz who have lost their voice………………….
2. delivering umbrage to stigma and blind ignorance alike in re: m.i.
3. Holding down a really rather complex and demanding little j.o.b. ……………………………………………

What fears block my development?
My sources of fear:
1. Trump
2. Getting fired
3. Going homeless again

Do I have the courage to continue the challenge myself?

I avoid new challenges now. I see myself doing it left and right. Opting always to stay in the rut. But it seems just a case of dire straits. Then a more lucid stretch of days will cycle ‘round and I’ll surge, if only in familiar channels. I’ve put out a book every two years for the past six. Those entailed any number of challenges. Especially with self-publishing two of them. Also took an AAS in Accounting in recent years. Not quite sure how I managed that pretty feat, now, looking back. So many mountains of busywork that was. Fait accompli. Balances out the liberal arts BA. So I suppose it’s not the courage I lack so much as the will.


Am I overcoming my boundaries?

Daily. But boundaries aren’t always in the way. Like my boundary about talking to coworkers in re: m.i. – that seems a necessary evil of a boundary sort of thing.
Am I pushing beyond my limits?

Aye! And this week to come I have a signing with the bankruptcy attorney as well as a phone interview for food assistance.
Am I ready to recognizing my failures?

I am ready to recognize my failures/ mistakes: Yes/No
If NO then why? If YES then which ones?

Yes, I am ready. Bonesaw is ready. Let’s take me apart and get down to brass tacks about what really makes Uttley tick.

What failures/mistakes I am trying to avoid thinking about right now?

Yeah, not coming up with any cripplingly cringe failures/mistakes right now. Lot of good times really. I got no complaints. Can’t fuss, you know.
What easy tasks am I spending too much time on?

Filling in answers to interview questions.

What do I have learn from my mistakes?

Nothing is ever the bending end. Life goes on in all its wrack and happenstance.

Tasks I like most
1. …comfort food exp runs in my massively multiplayer online game…………………………………………
2. …spontaneous trading sessions in same…………………………………………
3. …sleep…………………………………………

What is most important for me to achieve my success?
(Pick from the above list)


What are my greatest strength and weakness?
My Weakness
1. ……mistaking my ability to empathize for a reason to excuse……..
2. ……neglecting activities I thrive upon in favor of toxic timesinks………
3. ……ignoring friends and lovers……………

My Strength
1. ……empathy and the compassion it brings………………
2. ……mastery-level excellence in fruitless pursuits……………………
3. ……fluent in bad English (sic) – language of the future…………………




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